Welcome to the Small Business Service Bureau!


Small Business Service Bureau, Inc. (SBSB) members enjoy the following benefits:

1 Legislative Advocacy

By joining SBSB, small business owners, entrepreneurs, and individuals are assured that their voice is heard and their opinions count. SBSB keeps members and their advisors, legislators, and lawmakers informed with our Interactive Polls and Legislative Alerts.

2 Small Business Knowledge Center

Weekly and monthly business tips sent directly to your inbox!

3 HR and Benefits Compliance

Access to HR and Benefits Compliance tools and information provided by hr360©.

4 Insurance Marketplace

SBSB provides affordable insurance coverage for businesses, individuals, and families. SBSB is here to guide you through the complexities of today’s insurance marketplace, and will help you find the best plan at the best price, for your business, employees, and family. SBSB members also receive preferred access to even more coverage through our affiliate Small Business Insurance

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